
Betsy Berry

My “ugly” garlic arrived, and to me it is beautiful! It’s so fresh and juicy and I have been using it in recipes just about every day. Thank you for such a quality product-the BEST garlic ever!

Betsy Berry
Happy Customer

Ben, we had a banner year thanks to you and the great garlic seed! I'm very happy.

Happy Customer
Dean Ailstock

I have been planting garlic in my garden for the last ten years . Ijust planted my garlic today Sept 17th . I received my garlic from 4 different sources . your garlic by far looked the best and healthiest. I'm in zone 8a please contact me when ordering time comes around next summer and you we be my exclusive garlic farm to buy from.

Dean Ailstock
Joseph Piekutoski - customer

One of the best days of the year is when I have the privilege to buy your fine garlic because that is the first step to eating it!

Joseph Piekutoski - customer
Big Bulb

Good morning: On December 28th I planted two grow bags with six Russian Tzan garlic cloves in each bag. This morning I decided to check one of the plants that was just not doing well. Below is a photo of the bulb that I found. The bulb is over 2 inches in diameter, and the cloves are very big. I then pulled up a second plant, and it was 2 inches. I am so excited.

Big Bulb
Donna L. Harris

Hello and Happy New Year! I just wanted you to know that I ordered some garlic to eat and plant from you, for the first time ever~ After receiving and enjoying some of the yummy cloves and planting some as well, I really wanted you to know that compared with other garlic your garlic is DIVINE! I shared some with my Mum--and she loves it, too~ :) May God bless you and all of your sweethearts--and may 2023 be your best year ever~ Sincerely

Donna L. Harris
Steve Wood - Formally PENNGATE GARLIC Pennsylvania

Been meaning to write since I received my order, but now that it’s in the ground, no excuse. I am a former grower for Bob@ Gourmet garlic and have ordered from several different vendors there during my growing years. I never received garlic as nice as yours!! When I opened the box I thought I had ordered too much for just me. Now that it’s in the ground I don’t have as much as I thought due to the extremely large cloves in the bulbs. The bulbs were fresh, healthy and ready for planting. I still get emails asking about garlic, I will most definitely point them in your direction!! Thanks for great service and product!!!

Steve Wood - Formally PENNGATE GARLIC Pennsylvania
Dolores Nicolaisen

BEST GARLIC ON THE PLANET! I will never buy garlic from anywhere else.

Dolores Nicolaisen
Jeremy Meyer, Fox Valley Garlic

Your garlic loves my soil. Usually doesn't skip a beat. The Bogatyr, Metichi, and Subterranean Rose are giving me great returns and my customers are loving the new varieties. I've order from a lot of people over the years, and your garlic out performs them all, as well as being consistent. Thanks for your help.

Jeremy Meyer, Fox Valley Garlic

Ben, Clair, you guys are the garlic bomb ! Those are the biggest cloves I have ever seen ! And the smell, yummy ! Can’t wait to taste a couple ! Keep you informed throughout next growing season on their progress ! Happy Garlicing to you ! Hooray ! Bill P.S. Keeping plenty of vampires at bay- with Transylvanian !!! Perfect for Halloween ! They seem to look as if they have a fire-burnt edge to them - cool ! Spooky My favorite time of year ! More later ! Have a good season ! B

Jan Smithison

Greetings, I want to thank you ever so much for the large bulbs of flavorful garlic! I could tell they were so fresh! Of course, I just had to sample! It may be difficult to save any for planting. The package arrived in good condition. Blessings,

Jan Smithison
Bob Schumacher

Your shipment of garlic is excellent. Thanks

Bob Schumacher

I received my Garlic! ITS AWESOME! Thank You! You do such great farming with the care you take growing garlic! I’m so hooked! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!


Just received my Ugly garlic......Ugly is BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you !!! Can hardly wait to partake. Blessings to you.


Claire, God is Good, in all ways,.... i was a little befuzzled when i read the note on the last box of garlic i received. i first just thought, oh well, she thinks she knows me and my daughter,,, throughout the day- i keep thinking of who "you" could be,, do i know you?? i just decided to say,, OH Thank you LORD,, many wonderful people love my daughter- i will thank You LORD and ask for your Blessings on my daughter and those who love her,, and Thank you for letting Carla be my daughter.... that day, at work, i was sharing your note and the story that i do not know who you are,, after looking at your web site (along with my office mate-she looked at Carlas facebook and saw you as a friend...) well,,, the name Clare suddenly clicked in my head,,, the world truly is a small wonder... when i ordered from you i had no idea who you were.... it is a great feeling to know i am supporting you and your garlic.... the garlic is wonderful,,, i wanted it to make "black garlic" which i enjoy and give much to others... i wish you Blessings in all that you do, and Blessings to your little family... Jody Justice, Carla's Mom.


Hello Ben: I received this order yesterday and it is the BEST Garlic I ever had. I am wondering if you still have some stock and if you do, please ship me another 2lbs of this wonderful thing and charged against my credit card , Please let me know and thank you as always.


I was so happy with my last year's purchase, that I've emailed all my friends both last year and this year too. I hope you get more business from my rave reviews. I still have one large head left and it still hasn't dried out from last year. Love the wonderful taste of your garlic. Thanks again. Looking forward to receiving this years wonderful garlic.

Happy Customer

And, BTW, we absolutely love your garlic...signing up for your subscription service was one of the best decisions ever. So happy to have found Allicin's Ranch 😊

Happy Customer

Just wanted to share how I Love your garlic so much. Makes the best beet salad ...let me know if you want the recipe. It’s so yummy with your garlic...really makes the salad. Ciao


I’ll be devastated to not have a Bogatyr crop this season. It was my runaway performer this year and marked my graduation from growing mainly golf balls to a solid harvest of doorknobs. I was absolutely ecstatic popping them out of the ground. This season was a game changer and I will attribute it to your genetics and the exceptional quality and condition of your seed. For this reason I am loyal to your stock and will accept your recommendations for substitute varieties. If you do happen to have some Bogatyr stock amongst your ugly garlic supply, I’d also be interested in that. On the bright side, I will now be selecting some seed stock from this year’s harvest instead of eating everything. It will be interesting to see how they do the second year in my native soil. Thanks Ben for your personal service and all the joy you’ve brought to me. Take care to stay healthy and sane.

Happy Customer

I just wanted to tell you I was extremely pleased with your seed garlic from last year!!! One lb yielded approximately 90 beautiful, decent sized heads (in 3.5 small raised beds). I will never buy garlic from anywhere else ever AGAIN! Keep up your most excellent work!! Thank you!!!

Happy Customer

You guys rock! When do you guys think you'll have more of your garlic powder available? That was the best darn garlic powder I've ever had, period!


Howdy Ben - I got some of your purple glazer garlic seed last year and it was the BEST! We got a small farm and I have been buying garlic for some years off of reputable folks and their garlic was ok but after getting yours I was shocked.

Richard Conolly

Thank you, Ben and Claire, for creating your organic farm(s), and for really knowing your products. I had a magic VW bus in the late '60's and '70's; It was an awesome time to be alive, focused and rebellious.

Richard Conolly
Lee Friedman

Hi, just wanted to let you know I received and began using my new garlic - Music and Chesnok Red - and I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!!! Incredible quality! Fantastic flavor! You guys are the best! I thought it would be nice to hear something truly positive for a change. I look forward to much pleasure using your products. Very best to you all!!

Lee Friedman
Charlie Gokey, Kentucky Garlic

Received my METECHI today! Huge Seed Cloves! I am Very Happy! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Charlie Gokey, Kentucky Garlic
Annesse Brockley

Annesse Brockley
Kim Wishon, Founder, Wishing Well School

Kim Wishon, Founder, Wishing Well School
Happy Customer

Hi Ben, I received the garlic powder and the Black Garlic, they are incredible, thanks !!!! Could I ask a question ? The garlic powder is more "moist" than powder I have purchased elsewhere, no problem, just wondering why. And could you give me alittle info. on the black garlic ? Just wondering why it's so different from anything I've ever seen. I've used your black in our morning smoothie, because I know it nutrient-packed, and I've used your powder on just about everything so far, and the aroma is fantastic. Just wanted to ask these questions so I know the product better, a larger order is to follow. Thank you so much, specialty products like yours are what makes my culinary world go round Ben !!

Happy Customer
David Galat

Great success with Metechi I purchased from you last year. Bulbs were nearly 2x larger than Metechi purchased from other sources in 2018 and the size differential came through in this year's harvest.

David Galat
Karen  Lambert

Hi there. The scapes are amazing! I have made two dishes with them. I did a basic potato salad and a green bean casserole. For the potato salad I used Yukon Gold. Boiled to soften, cooled, cut into pieces, added mayo, scapes, dill, a little of the brine, sprinkled with crunchy bacon, and VOILA! For the bean casserole I used fresh open market green beans. Parboiled them. Chopped some red onion and lightly fried in truffle oil, then added fresh mushroom sliced into fry pan, scapes, and dill. Tossed them and put them in a casserole adding Cream of Mushroom soup, baked, and at the end I added french fried onions over the top. I think I could just load toasted sourdough with melted cheese and scapes and bubble them up in the oven. I wonder if these would work with Pesto sauce, either in the sauce, or scattered on a naan bread pizza. Sounds yummy Oh my, scapes on grilled fish as aoli. Bacon tomato scape sandwich. The possibilities are endless. Thought you would enjoy reading how much I enjoy these. Thanks, have a great day

Karen Lambert
Gordana Margic

I just want to say thank you very much I just got braided garlic. The taste of those garlic are fenomenal. Not to strong just perfect. I use a lot garlic in my cooking and this is just perfect. We use a lot garlic in any possible way cooking, baking, with a honey and etc. thanks again and have a great and safe holiday. Best regards.

Gordana Margic
rick a fought

Hi there Ben & Claire. FYI....you two will love this !! Your Killarney Red from last year.....6 bulbs in hand & basement storage must be perfect. Broke em down this week & maybe lost 1 bulb total. Most cloves totally beautiful !! Some porcelains & purples from others didn't last this long. Good going ! Carry on well. regards, rick

rick a fought
Clayton Bowman - Aledo, Texas

Texas BlueBonnets, Romanian Red - Thought this pic was cool so I wanted to share, my Romanian red is coming up nicely after a watering along with some Texas blue bonnets in the back ground. Thanks for the quality garlic!

Clayton Bowman - Aledo, Texas
Stu Zohar Asbel

Best seed garlic with the widest variety anywhere. We always get great germination rates and a delicious harvest. If you want to grow your own garlic, start here.

Stu Zohar Asbel
Rachel, Grad 9

Rachel, Grad 9
Debra Crum

Ben - I was at a farmers market in Colorado yesterday and your company was selling the garlic. The gal at the stand asked if my Dad and I would like to have a garlic sample and I thought garlic is garlic....but ok we had a sample. OMG was I wrong! Garlic is it not garlic! I’m half Italian and I must say....I’ve NEVER tasted garlic like yours! It is the most delicious garlic I have EVER had! Thank you for doing what you’re doing and we will be buying our garlic from you from now on! By the way, I bought the large garlic braid and it is so beautiful and adds that extra Italian touch to my kitchen! Thank you once again!​

Debra Crum
Sarah van Leer

My friend and I shared some Hot Yugoslavian seed from you last fall. She harvested last week, and I harvested yesterday. Each glorious head was HUGE, bigger than the heads you send us for seed. We are delighted to have this wonderful garlic for our table this fall and winter. We are growing in upstate NY, at around 42.5 N.​

Sarah van Leer

I've been intending to send you an email complimenting you on the amazing garlic I ordered this fall. I was admiring it as I broke apart the cloves to soak before planting and while planting. The Bogatyr was huge and awesomely clean and blemish free. I'll order again next year along with other variety's if I don't snooze and miss the chance to order before they all sell out. Thanks again,

Happy Customer

Likes: Customer Service, Quality, Selection, Wait Time Out of season everywhere else, Ben saved us.

Happy Customer
JoAnn Bullock

Received my garlic order & very pleased as usual. Thanks Guys!!! Keep up the great work...

JoAnn Bullock

I received your garlic today. I have to say, from 3 different sources, yours are the best examples. Thank you. I will be a repeat customer.


Hi Ben, I received the garlic I ordered yesterday and it tastes wonderful. Thank you so much for doing what you do. Your garlic is so great!!

Happy Customer

Thank you SO much for offering smaller portions. It's really letting me, as a small garden owner, try many varieties. Also, free shipping is amazing.

Happy Customer
another testimonial from Julie Ward. Epsom, NH

Your garlic is the best and biggest I've purchased in the 8 years I've been growing. I grow mostly porcelins so I'm excited to move into the purple stripes etc...

another testimonial from Julie Ward. Epsom, NH

Good morning, I had purchased Hot Yugoslavian seed garlic from you about four years ago. It has done very well here in NE Ohio. The majority of the crop produces 2-3/4 -3" diam. heads; 2-1/2" would be considered small for this variety!


Ben, Thanks, can’t wait. Love the spring garlic. I stopped growing garlic after I tasted yours.


Just got my order today and I tried my very first bite ever of Nootka Rose. Not a shy retiring wallflower, is it? YUM! I like what you're doing and how you're doing so much that not only did I just order another pound of seed bogatyr, I also placed the first refrigerator magnet ​I've ever in my life placed right on my refrigerator as I loved the looks of it and like even more well what it represents. In my life is a l-o--o-o-g period of time, so please consider yourselves appropriately honored for your excellent work. This is game-changing for me. Naturally if I can drive an hour and have a fascinating visit with a garlic guru/passionate nut like Poul I'm in. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, his garlic has been so small for three years now that cooking with it has been a testament to what was and you knew that doing that garlic step with his garlic recently was going to be unnaturally laborious. So now I can support you with glee. I'm one person and don't often cook meals for more than one so if my orders seem a little small in comparison to my enthusiasm, that's the reason. You keep going, Ben-I will be watching. Best,

Much love to all, Constance

Good evening, Ben and Claire. Constance Smith here. I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to deliver my order in person today. What a kind and gracious effort on your part. It was wonderful to meet the two of you in person! Wishing you all the best at our local street faires and during the rest of your journey home.

Much love to all, Constance
Linda Morey

I love your garlic! Best garlic on the planet!!

Linda Morey
Jeanette Schandelmeier

The "seed" garlic I bought from you last fall (I was the one who got lost 3 times on the way to your farm!) is the most beautiful garlic (shallots, too!) I have ever grown. Thanks for the wonderful product!

Jeanette Schandelmeier
Safe travels the rest of the way.   Marilyn

Hi Ben, Woo Hoo! Got a beautiful braid from Isabelle’s farm store yesterday. Just in time; was using the last of our local garlic. Now I have enough until our harvests come in! You’re a great part of our local farm culture I think! Bummer that the snow was preceded by some wicked hail though. Did you know that that storm was the the biggest dump of our entire season? Crazy Colorado!

Safe travels the rest of the way. Marilyn
Jill Richardson

Hi, Great to hear from you! I just hung up your beautiful garlic braid on my wall. I'm so excited about it. I've just gotten into making sauerkraut and stuff so I think I'm gonna have a lot of use for large amts of garlic.

Jill Richardson

Sandra Bullock

This is the second year I have ordered garlic from these nice folks. Great customer service with helpful advice, quality seed stock & such tasty garlic! Great job you guys!!! :~)

Sandra Bullock
Julie Winters

Oh Ben the garlic is amazing! The garlic press is the best thing too. Matthew loves it..... thank you thank you thank you hugs to Claire

Julie Winters
Chuck and Paula

The Garlic we bought yesterday from you in Carlsbad is out of this world--We made a fresh stew with it this morning!

Chuck and Paula

I hope you’re having a great day, Ben. I just had to pass on this info. I took Friday 14th off to plant my garlic. I have scaled back a lot from a couple of years ago, but still plant a fair amount. Anyway, as I said, I took off the 14th to plant garlic and had just planted the very last clove of the material I had on hand when I heard the mailbox lid being shut by the postmistress. I went immediately to the mailbox and, BINGO!!!, there was the package from you. I took it downstairs to weigh and break the bulbs down and record clove numbers, etc. and then took it immediately to the garden to plant. THAT is what I call timing!! You must have mailed that order off as soon as it hit your computer. As per usual, you sent absolutely beautiful seed bulbs. The 1 lb. of Metechi was 4 beautiful bulbs which weighed in at 1.31 lb. total with the biggest one going well over 3 inches. The 1 lb. of Romanian Red weighed in at 1.28 lb. and, as with the Metechi, very nice sized bulbs, clean and picture-perfect. I really appreciate your consistently shipping nothing but top quality bulbs and the fact that you do not break them down before shipping. Top quality bulbs, speedy shipping, reasonable pricing and great service. You have a great combination which will bring back customers, Ben. Keep up the great work!! Thanks again, and have a really great day. ​Very best regards,

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, all you've got to do is CALL or ORDER ONLINE, and we'll be there with the best garlic you can find anywhere in the world. You've got a friend.
We provide FREE SHIPPING within continental U.S.
For Bulk Orders email Ben

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