Enjoy Year-Round Organic Gourmet Garlic Delivered to Your Door
We are offering Garlic Club as a yearly subscription to our health conscious and culinary customers. Shipping is around the 1st of each month for 10 months out of the year. View our calendar below to see what months and from which location your garlic is grown. Sign up for your subscription using our secure form below.

DISCLAIMER: We always strive to control the quality of our garlic, but, as it is a living organism, it is subject to the harsh world of not only nature, but to the rigors we put it through in order to get it to your table. Where mother nature can throw excess water, wind, freezing temperatures, and devastating heat at it, the journey across our vast country can be just as harrowing with brutal temperature changes and careless handling by delivery personnel. At times, it is out of our hands if we have a crop failure or a "postal" problem, but we will always try to accommodate our customers to the best of our ability. That being said, not every monthly delivery will be guaranteed, and refunds will not be issued for loss out of our control. However, if we do miss a month, we will most definitely make it up on the following shipping cycle if we can. Thanks you for your support and understanding. Allicin's Ranch
SUBSCRIPTION NOTICE: When you sign up for the annual garlic subscription, your payment will auto-renew the following year at the price specified in your subscription choice.